
Fully Online, Flexible, Faith-based 度 to Complete

成人学位完成中心 提供了支持, 宣传, 为成人学习者提供灵活、经济、快速的职业转变或晋升机会和资源, economic or personal goal achievement. 

Is it time to dust off that degree you started? to be ready for a promotion or vocational change? 选择bet365中文在线,开启职业快乐和目标驱动的生活之门. Pick your pace and pathway to completing a degree, maximizing transfers and credit for prior learning, with experienced adult advisors supporting your home run.

World changer, it's your turn now. Come enjoy a Christian online learning community. 继续往下读,开始吧!  



From a societal perspective, degree completion has economic benefits. 美国劳工统计局继续指出,学历证书往往导致更高的工资(见图表)和更大的工作保障. 阅读关于 为什么教育仍然值得.

从基督教的角度来看,教育不仅仅是劳动力和公民责任的培训. 投资bet365中文学位是一种具有永恒视角的教育, 邀请你以一个喜乐的改变世界的人来活出神慈爱的品格. 反思 bet365中文大学的使命.

And t在这里 are many personal reasons, such as retooling to pivot to new employment opportunities, increasing earnings and job satsifaction, 打开研究生学习的大门, or finishing what started earlier. 不管你的理由是什么,  your Andrews online study adventure can begin now!



认证为 gold level veteran-friendly university, we welcome active military and veteran students! 最多90个学分可以从认可的学院和大学转移到学士学位,或者通过ace推荐的军事成绩单上的学分奖励.

回顾bet365中文的 educational benefits, forms, and resources 为你. 我们的退伍军人服务顾问将提供财务建议,并与经验丰富的成人在线学术顾问合作,为您和您的家人在世界任何地方提供服务. 


Degree completion cost will depend on:

  • How many transferable credits meet degree requirements
  • How much credit for prior college-level learning may be awarded
  • 你的课程长度:18个学分证书,62个学分联营,或124个学分学士
  • What financial aid (scholarships and loans) you may be eligible for
  • Whether your study part-time or full-time 

好消息是,所有在线本科课程的学费每学分折扣为450美元.  在线学位费用为每学期155美元,教科书的购买/租赁将根据您选择的进度和课程而有所不同.  与学术和财务顾问会面,制定详细的学习计划和适合您的学习选择的成本.


Wondering how to finance your degree completion program? Consider these ways to lower your cost: 

  • 美国居民应提交FAFSA表格,以了解可能授予的助学金和奖学金.  找到Andrews代码 & 细节.
  • 研究并通过你的国家、地区/州申请奖学金.g. 密歇根), local and online organizations, church, employer and family. 看到 external scholarships Andrews lists.   
  • File applicable tax breaks: in the USA, the American Opportunity Tax Credit终身学习税收抵免.
  • 与你的安德鲁财务顾问见面,了解所有的选择,包括付款计划.


高达30%的学位学分可以通过与课程成果相一致的学习经验评估获得. 学习 how credit for prior learning works 在bet365中文大学.

完成 bet365中文信用预测器 to learn whether you may apply for credit for prior learning.  然后 电子邮件 your resume and training certifications for a 免费的 degree plan and pre-advising meeting.  


  1. 将其人化的类 & online community encourage integration of faith, learning and living
  2. 所有课程都在秋季开课, 春天, 和夏天, so no waiting to fill a gap or finish on your timeline
  3. 异步在线课程适合你的时间表,在特定的时间没有课程要参加
  4. 我们的学生欣赏基督教的关怀,有经验丰富的成人顾问全程支持他们
  5. 快速回复任何形式的交流都能建立一辈子的友谊,帮助你成功
  6. Credit for prior learning awards can save you time and money
  7. 你设定节奏,制定兼职和加速全职完成计划
  8. You have access to more courses through Adventist & 其他财团


"Andrews was my dream university as a recent immigrant from Europe. 在一些课堂上,我们的学生小组通过社交媒体进行交流,他们的支持对我帮助很大."

Yana Stoyka, BS Business Administration,

“作为一名有抱负的牧师,我选择bet365中文在线完成神学研究. Online flexibility saved money and gave me more time for family. 的 advisor support has been phenomenal, wise, and prompt."


“作为一名全职妈妈,按照自己的节奏在家学习是必不可少的. With community and advisor support, AU在线课程帮助我更有效地指导我的金士威学院学生."

Erin Mortenson, BS 一般 Studies

“成为AU在线社区的一员真的是我生命中最神奇的经历之一. My advisors have hugely helped me foresee my vocation. My faith in God is so much stronger; my relationship with Him is so much closer."



1) 25岁以上或2)现役军人或退伍军人, AND have not enrolled in a degree program in the last 2 years, 可以作为成人学生申请吗.  所有在线本科证书、副学士和学士课程的成人申请者需要:

  • 高中/中学或同等学历的成绩单.g. GED) AND transcripts from all post-secondary 机构s attended
  • 如果过去的教育不是以英语为教学语言,则证明英语语言能力(见接受的考试成绩) 在这里)
  • A grade point average (GPA) of 2.5或以上, 计算包括所有中学(当获得少于25个大学学分时)和中学后的成绩单成绩, 改装成US 4.0 GPA量表. 25岁或以上的重新申请者,至少有两个学期没有参加活动,可以作为成人学生入学,bet365中文大学的GPA为2.0或更高. 

不确定你是否有资格?  电子邮件 为什么你现在准备好学习了, 附上你的成绩单和简历,以回顾你独特的生活经历. 你可能很适合别人 undergraduate admission criteria, so bet365中文 了解所有的选择,以享受通过bet365中文在线完成学位的好处!

Applications are welcome year-round. 步骤如下:

  1. 立即在线申请 在这个链接.
  2. Create an account to save your application first.
  3. 然后 click to start an application.
  4. 选择本科作为级别, 远程/在线作为校园, the semester you'd like to begin (Fall starts in August, 一月的春天, 夏季(五月/六月), then read directions to fill in all the personal info carefully. 
  5. If you previously attended Andrews, add a comment noting any name change and your AU ID if remembered. 
  6. After submitting the application, 收集所有成绩单, scan or take photos and upload as supplemental items. 申请将不会被处理,直到收到你在申请中列出的每个学校/学院/大学的成绩单. 如果您没有副本,请通过电子邮件发送官方成绩单至undergrad@andrews.然后将收到的任何确认信息转发给本科招生部门,通知他们收到的成绩单.
  7. Once you have all transcript copies uploaded, watch for an admission decision within 2-3 business days. 如果您有任何问题或其他信息,请发送电子邮件至undergrad@andrews.马上开始.

It all depends on choices you make, such as:

  • 你在之前的学习中转学或获得的学分
  • 你的节奏——全日制或兼职(最常见的是每学期两节课)
  • your budget - a mix of scholarships, personal savings, and loans
  • 你的进步——通过所有成绩在C以上的课程是你的目标

我们的目标是通过灵活的课程帮助你加速完成学业, 每学期提供, with all the support you need to succeed online!

Whenever you're ready to make studying a priority! 现在是制定学位完成计划的好时机,这样可以清楚地看到未来的道路, then share your plan with your employer, family and friends to support your transition.  Adding study will take subtracting other demands/priorities in your life, 所以考虑一下你可以停止什么, 推迟, 委托, 或者更有效地.

我很高兴你这么问! Success is greatest when you begin prepared:

  1. 回答这些问题 to decide if online is a good choice 为你 now.
  2. 检查你是否有技术工具 能够在线学习.
  3. 安排一个约会(下面的链接)来探索选项并做出明智的选择.

是的! Please do visit soon, with any of these three options:

  1. 让自己坐上 360度虚拟旅行 只要你方便,什么时候都行.
  2. Schedule a video conference with an adult advisor for a personal, 免费的, 咨询-向下滚动在线日历来进行这些预约.
  3. For an overview of all Andrews offers on campus and online, scroll down 这个页面 to see the dates of the next virtual meetings. Find one that works 为你 and sign up!


电子邮件 your resume, transcripts,




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